Sunday, July 3, 2011

Seward, Close Encounters of the Moose Kind...

Seward is a small town about two hours south of Anchorage.  The fishing there is world-renowned, though I struck out pretty handedly.  "Snagging" is allowed in salt water in Alaska, but not freshwater, save a few exceptions.  It's a little less sporting, but considering the difficulty I had with it, I have a hard time seeing it as cheating.  The friend I was with picked up three silvers though.  The area here is where the ocean water meets the inland waterways, so once you walk out about a half-mile out it's considered salt-water.

 The eagles have little trouble with the process.

Not really sure.

To overcompensate for the lack of fish I caught in Seward, I went to the store and bought a three and a half pound king salmon fillet - it took the better part of a week to eat.

Frolf is a pretty huge game in Anchorage.  This was the first hole at the Kincaid Park course.  My frisbee landed about three feet from this adolescent bull while he was eating a tree, in a fashion I can only describe as wholesale.  Needless to say, it held up the game for a few minutes.  You can't rush a moose, so the only real move is to hang back until they feel like leaving.

My frisbee is out of the frame - it's close to the bottom-right corner.

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